This amazing event aired Feb. 2024. You can still find out more about the event below and purchase the whole event by clicking the Lifetime Access buttons below!

Welcome to Gaian Myths ~ Weaving Ancient Future Timelines!

Many of the ancient ways and myths of times past are re-surfacing today because they teach us how to live in co-creation on this planet with each other and all beings.  As we share these living stories, we remember our sacred purpose and place in the tapestry of all life.

About This Summit:

An evolutionary event designed to unite Earth’s communities with the Highest Timeline and Consciousness on Gaia! Bringing ancient, perennial wisdom to the Now & future generations for a way out of chaos and into an aligned way of living, sourced in truth and integrity.

Our summit features 44+ Visionary Leaders in Earth Based Spirituality, Mythology, Light Workers, Ceremonialists, Channels, and more, who will share ancient-future technologies, heart-based tools, mythic stories and transmissions to aid us in becoming wise-heart warriors in these chaotic times.

By the end of these 5 days you'll have a wealth of knowledge, insights and embodied practices of your multi-dimensional nature rooted in the deep and bountiful soil of Mama Gaia! You will cultivate more certainty of your own precious presence & embodied mission as walking bridge between the celestial and earthly realms.

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to transform not just your own personal life and future, but be part of a greater consciousness that changes timelines for the planet!

art by @karol_metelcova

Registrants Receive:

Flexible 48-hour Access for free

  • Enjoy access to each day of the summit for up to 48-hours and watch at your convenience. 

Global Visionaries

  • Learn from Leading Authors, Mentors, Shamanic Practitioners, Priestesses, Native Elders, Energy Workers, Meditation Teachers, and more….


Powerful Tools & Practices

  • Learn simple yet powerful tools, ceremonies, and practices to connect to Gaia, activate your sacred body as a vessel for love and enable your inherent creator/ creatrix powers.

art by @karol_metelcova

We must plant our souls firmly in the soil of Mama Gaia.
Following our deepest knowing connected to her.
When we do this we will once again manifest a life in harmony with the all.
— Brianna Wunderlin

The phenomenal speakers of Gaian Myths invite you into this space of revelation and transformation. 

Each talk is a transmission that can take you deeper into our mythic existence & grounded embodiment. 

Each guide a practiced, expert leader in their area.  

Each experience of this event brings you into a greater alignment with the universe, Gaia, and you.

Reclaiming Earth into Full Activated Consciousness, rippling out through all time and space.

Meet Your Hosts, Producers, & Keynote Speakers:

  • Brianna Wunderlin

    Quantum Healer, Clairvoyant, Holy Fire Reiki Master Trainer, Meditation Mentor

  • Julia Weigert

    Soul Wisdom & New Earth Consciousness Guide, Magdalene Rose Priestess, Sacred Site Travel Facilitator

Our Brilliant Presenters:

Some of the Timebending Topics in Gaian Myths!

  • Brianna Wunderlin ~ Heart Opening with Holy Fire

  • Julia Weigert ~ Traveling Sacred Sites - Opening Star Portals and retrieving Gaian Codes

  • Krys Ra El ~ Spiritual Freedom & Interstellar Living

  • Micheal Meade ~ Myths of Creation and Re-Creation on Earth

  • Jocelyn Star Feather ~ Precession of the Equinoxes - The 26,000 Year Story

  • Chameli Gad ~ Mending the Split Between Earth & Sky, Spirit & Matter, Body & Mind

  • Sarah Naia Soleil ~ Spirit Baby Communication

  • James Vukelich Kaagegaabaw ~ The Seven Generations and the Seven Grandfather Teachings

  • Yolandi Boshoff ~ The Path of the Dragon Priestess

  • Deborah Stanley ~ Sacred Feminine Leadership with the Womb Mandala

  • Q'orianka Cornejo ~ The Eagle and Condor Prophecy

  • Jon Eden Khan ~ New Politics, Leadership, and Governance Sourced in the One Earth, the One Humanity, and the Power in the Heart of Every Being

  • Rita Hraiz ~ The Prophecy of The Golden Age

  • Harvest Moon ~ Legends from the Quinnault Longhouses

  • Grandmother TwoClouds ~ Creational Magic & Earth Portals

  • Naomi Love ~ Earth's Whispers : Unveiling the Mystical Tales of Gaia

  • Allison Holley ~ Returning to the Garden of Eden

  • Isis Indrya ~ An Oracle & Ritual Way of Life

  • Zahra Indigo Rønlov ~ Folds in Time: Choosing our Future Vision Now

  • Lizzie Rose Reiss ~ Plant Essences: Support for Multi-Dimensional Living

  • Cyd Dudgeon ~ Conscious Co-Creation with the Sidhe

  • Ameya Cohen ~ The Priestess Path as Living Map

  • Elsa Field ~ Hathorian Sound Medicine for the Modern Day

  • Devi Kaur ~ Direct Connection to Christ-Consciousness

  • Natalia Kennedy ~ A Rest in the Forest: Yoga Nidra and Flower Essences

  • Jana Carrey ~ Welcome to the Nourished Paradigm

  • Elen Elenna ~ The 7 Great Starlight Ages of Peace

  • Aubrey Yee ~ The Beloved Futures: Becoming a Future Ancestor

Join us as we establish a new terrain for human consciousness on Gaia!

  • T  ranscendence of Duality

  • E  mbracing of diversity

  • R  esurrection of healthy archetypes

  • R  emembrance of creator/ creatrix self

  • A  iming for truth

  • I  ntegration of Soul & Spirit into the Body

  • N  ew Earth Consciousness

Profound Transmissions & Activations

Free Gifts from Every Speaker

A Timeline changing Event

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Gaian Myths ~ Weaving Ancient Future Timelines For Free!

February 2nd - 6th, 2024

The Earth is a living being and our consciousness is deeply interwoven with hers. She dreams us into being just as we dream Her into being.

Gaia is the original mother giving us, as the divine seeds, the soil in which to grow our souls.  Disconnection from Her is the original mother wound. 

Reconnection is essential for healing a world on the brink of ecosystem and societal collapsing. We need to remember the origin stories that connect us to our original nature in co-existence and deep intimacy with Her.

We've forgotten that we are creator beings and are here to co-create with Her. Remembering that we are part of the ANIMA MUNDI helps us connect to our purpose, our infinite potential, and how to truly live in unity and harmony.   

Through exploring timeless myths we uncover perennial truths. Listening to the transmission of stories, our hearts and bodies remember the many layers of truth. When we expand our view, we see the world through new eyes.  

Our timelines are woven out of the spiral of time.  The past and future are always here now and we can switch timelines by telling (our) stories in alignment with who we truly are.

In Gaian Myths we are harnessing the power of myth and living stories to transition our default and unexamined cultural narratives that do not support life to those that do.  To the stories that support humanity, our relationship with sentient and living Earth, and our place in the universal balance of the all.  

Join us for this stunning array of visionaries, storytellers, and changemakers to uplift and guide us into a new era in the human story that is not the anthropocene, but the every-living-thing-pocene.  

Why Gaian Myths is such an important event at this potent time in our human story!

Meet Your Hosts!

Brianna Wunderlin uses embodied psychology, meditation, and energy medicine to create transformation in people's lives. She works at the root level to creating lasting change. She facilitates healing people feel and can grow with over time, and leads groups that empower people to transform and awaken their inner innate embodied spiritual wisdom. She has been leading transformational groups since 2011 and training others since 2017 in energy medicine. Lately, she has been training practitioners in the transformational healing practice of Holy Fire® Reiki.

She awakened her heart, womb, and intuitive powers after learning from yogi's, indigenous elders, and energy masters on her journey to awaken from the suffering of living in a disconnected world, and healing early childhood trauma. These powers awakened her gifts to offer to others and be a beacon of light on the earth.

She has a Masters in Processwork, a modality for therapy and group facilitation. She is a channel for Divine Mother, given the sacred name Gayatri, Mother of Creation, from a spiritual teacher. She is part of an ancestral wisdom tradition dedicated to the Great Goddess, and has been a dedicated pilgrim to Goddess sites for 8 years. She is a Reverend & Clairvoyant Healer in the Church of Natural Grace and a Holy Fire® Reiki Master Healer, having done hundreds of readings and energy healings. With more than 10,000 hours of meditation practice, she offers customized meditation practices & training to individuals wherever they are on the path.


IG: brianna.wunderlin

Julia Weigert serves as a vessel for the Divine Feminine Presence, the Shekinah, in the greater awakening of the planet.

Spending two decades in corporate project & process management while at the same time walking the priestess path, she embodies the living bridge of both worlds. In 2021 she decided to fully devote her life to her company Soul Wisdom that is consecrated to empower female beings in remembering and embracing both, their divine and physical nature for it is in being the bridge that the magic and power unfolds in one’s life!

As a women’s ceremonialist and mentor, she guides women to live in tune with the rhythms of nature, reclaim their sovereign power and reconnect with their soul essence & wisdom.

As Reiki Master Teacher and energy healer she holds and facilitates space for potent transformational processes allowing others to access their innate soul wisdom.

Her true passion lies in being an endless pilgrim and guiding others on sacred sojourns designed to facilitate a profound exploration of self. In the embrace of ancient lands enchanted by magick, we truly experience what it means to walk both realms and get to understand our place and purpose in the greater cosmos. Her podcast, The Sacred Travel Podcast, is to launch soon!

Julia holds regular women circles in Zurich as well as online and leads sacred site travel experiences to places of power around the world.


IG: soul_wisdom_by_julia